Results for 'Esther I. Madriz'

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  1.  13
    Images of criminals and victims: A study on women's fear and social control.Esther I. Madriz - 1997 - Gender and Society 11 (3):342-356.
    Using two complementary qualitative methodologies—focus groups and in-depth interviews—this article explores women's fear of crime in a sample of 140 participants. The major argument is that women's fear is exacerbated by stereotypical images of criminals and victims. Although those images are not uniform, some common themes emerged from the participants' narratives: Dominant representations of criminals among all women are those of poor minority men: out-of-control evil strangers who randomly attack their victims. Among all women, images of victims are predominantly those (...)
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    A qualitative description of service providers’ experiences of ethical issues in HIV care.Motshedisi B. Sabone, Keitshokile Dintle Mogobe, Ellah Matshediso, Sheila Shaibu, Esther I. Ntsayagae, Inge B. Corless, Yvette P. Cuca, William L. Holzemer, Carol Dawson-Rose, Solymar S. Soliz Baez, Marta Rivero-Mendz, Allison R. Webel, Lucille Sanzero Eller, Paula Reid, Mallory O. Johnson, Jeanne Kemppainen, Darcel Reyes, Kathleen Nokes, Dean Wantland, Patrice K. Nicholas, Teri Lingren, Carmen J. Portillo, Elizabeth Sefcik & Ellen Long-Middleton - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1540-1553.
    Background: Managing HIV treatment is a complex multi-dimensional task because of a combination of factors such as stigma and discrimination of some populations who frequently get infected with HIV. In addition, patient-provider encounters have become increasingly multicultural, making effective communication and provision of ethically sound care a challenge. Purpose: This article explores ethical issues that health service providers in the United States and Botswana encountered in their interaction with patients in HIV care. Research design: A descriptive qualitative design was used (...)
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  3. Sāṅkhyavr̥ttiḥ (V2) =.Esther Abraham Solomon & Īśvarakr̥ṣṇa (eds.) - 1973 - Ahmedabad : Gujarat University,:
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    Perceiving an exclusive cause of affect prevents misattribution.Kirsten I. Ruys, Henk Aarts, Esther K. Papies, Masanori Oikawa & Haruka Oikawa - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):1009-1015.
    Affect misattribution occurs when affective cues color subsequent unrelated evaluations. Research suggests that affect misattribution decreases when one is aware that affective cues are unrelated to the evaluation at hand. We propose that affect misattribution may even occur when one is aware that affective cues are irrelevant, as long as the source of these cues seems ambiguous. When source ambiguity exists, affective cues may freely influence upcoming unrelated evaluations. We examined this using an adapted affect misattribution procedure where pleasant and (...)
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    The Politics of Sources Meets the Practices of the Librarian: An Interview with Esther Chen.Esther Chen, Lara Keuck & Kärin Nickelsen - 2022 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 45 (3):508-516.
    Abstract[I] want to single out one phenomenon that could be called the ‘politics of sources’. It points to the extent to which the histories that both scientists and historians can write are artifacts of the available sources. The Rockefeller Foundation not only opened its archives very early on for historical work but also invested a lot in making the archives readily available for historical exploration. During the 1980s, many young historians took advantage of this opportunity. Thus, in a relatively early (...)
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    Teoría del Humanismo.Esther Zarzo - 2013 - Dianoia 58 (70):226-230.
    En Self-Constitution. Agency, Identity, and Integrity (2009), Christine Korsgaard defiende la conclusión de que el imperativo categórico rige la acción humana porque es el único principio que permite alcanzar la unidad psíquica plena, la cual, según Korsgaard, es un prerrequisito esencial para la acción efectiva. Para los agentes humanos, alcanzar esa unidad -que consiste en hacer coherentes distintos impulsos hacia la acción- es una actividad constante, denominada "autoconstitución". De acuerdo con Korsgaard, ésta es la fuente originaria de la normatividad y (...)
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    Introducing Practical Wisdom in Business Schools.Esther Roca - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (3):607-620.
    This article echoes those voices that demand new approaches and ‹senses’ for management education and business programs. Much of the article is focused on showing that the polemic about the educative model of business schools has moral and epistemological foundations and opens up the debate over the type of knowledge that practitioners need to possess in order to manage organizations, and how this knowledge can be taught in management programs. The article attempts to highlight the moral dimension of management through (...)
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  8.  37
    Identity-relative paternalism fails to achieve its apparent goal.Esther Braun - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):413-414.
    In a recent article, Wilkinson puts forward the notion of identity-relative paternalism. According to Wilkinson’s final formulation of this principle, ‘[i]ndividuals should be prevented from doing to future selves (where there are weakened prudential unity relations between the current and future self) what it would be justified to prevent them from doing to others’.1 In medical ethics, it is usually assumed that hard paternalism, that is, acting against a competent person’s wishes for their own benefit, is not justified. According to (...)
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  9. What am I living for?Esther Harkins - 1940 - New York,: Loker Raley.
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  10. An autonomy-based approach to assisted suicide: a way to avoid the expressivist objection against assisted dying laws.Esther Braun - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (7):497-501.
    In several jurisdictions, irremediable suffering from a medical condition is a legal requirement for access to assisted dying. According to the expressivist objection, allowing assisted dying for a specific group of persons, such as those with irremediable medical conditions, expresses the judgment that their lives are not worth living. While the expressivist objection has often been used to argue that assisted dying should not be legalised, I show that there is an alternative solution available to its proponents. An autonomy-based approach (...)
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  11.  21
    'I'as a Pure Indexical and Metonymy as Language Reduction.Esther Romero & Belén Soria - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman (ed.), Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 436--449.
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    Critical Idealism as Method: Ernst Cassirer and the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms.Esther Oluffa Pedersen - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (4):1105-1114.
    To commemorate the centenary of Ernst Cassirer's Philosophy of Symbolic Forms this essay focuses on how Cassirer in the development of a distinctive philosophical method analyzed the newest development within philosophy and science. Discussing Einstein's theory of relativity and Russell's formal logic Cassirer found tools to expand the critique of reason into a critique of culture. The course of argumentation is as follows. At the outset Cassirer's outline of the idea of The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms in the 1920 book (...)
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    Or ha-shem mi-Sefarad: ḥayaṿ, poʻolo ṿe-haguto shel Rabi Ḥasdaʼi Ḳreśḳaś = Or ha-Shem from Spain: the life, works, and philosophy of Rabbi Hasdai Crescas.Esther Eisenmann & Warren Harvey (eds.) - 2020 - Yerushalayim: Merkaz Zalman Shazar le-ḥeḳer toldot ha-ʻam ha-Yehudi.
    The life, works, and philosophy of rabbi Hasdai Crescas.
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    The "I" and the "not-I": a study in the development of consciousness.Mary Esther Harding - 1965 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    This book provides a very accessible general introduction to the Jungian concept of ego development and Jung's theory of personality structure--the collective unconscious, anima, animus, shadow, archetypes.
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    Multiple Faiths in Postcolonial Cities: Living Together After Empire.Jonathan Dunn, Heleen Joziasse, Raj Bharat Patta, Helena Mary Kettleborough, Phil Barton, Elaine Bishop, Terry Biddington, C. I. David Joy, Esther Mombo, Chris Shannahan & Peter Manley Scott - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book addresses the challenges of living together after empire in many post-colonial cities. It is organized in two sections. The first section focuses on efforts by people of multiple faiths to live together within their contexts, including such efforts within a neighborhood in urban Manchester; the array of attempts at creating multi-faith spaces for worship across the globe; and initiatives to commemorate divisive conflict together in Northern Ireland. The second section utilizes particular postcolonial methods to illuminate pressing issues within (...)
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    Michael Polanyi and Alvin Plantinga.Esther L. Meek - 2012 - Philosophia Christi 14 (1):57-77.
    This essay introduces Michael Polanyi’s work through contrasting his innovative epistemology of subsidiary-focal integration with key distinctives of Christian analytic philosopher Alvin Plantinga. Polanyi’s contrasting proposals helpfully bring to light shaping assumptions of the analytic tradition, contributing creatively to a larger common agenda. Polanyi disputes the unexamined assumption that the simplest epistemic experience is a focally apprehended “find-myself-believing” that is explicitly and propositionally expressed. I also contrast the two regarding infallibilism, foundationalism, externalism, justification, epistemic duty, creative antirealism, and ways of (...)
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  17.  17
    Perceiving Design? Reid's Design Discourse.Esther Engels Kroeker - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (2):239-262.
    Thomas Reid, I argue in this paper, holds that the belief that the works of nature are the effects of an intelligent cause is an instinctive or natural belief that may also be rational. After presenting the details of Reid's design argument, I turn to his account of human perception of the inner states of other human beings. I argue that perceptual beliefs of inner states, and hence beliefs in mental qualities such as intelligence and wisdom, involve natural signs that (...)
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  18.  24
    Hume's Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals and The Whole Duty of Man.Esther Engels Kroeker - 2020 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 18 (2):117-132.
    I examine, in this paper, the contents of one of the most famous religious texts of the early modern period, The Whole Duty of Man, and I show that Hume's Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Man is an attempt to reappropriate and replace the Anglican devotional with his own moral philosophy. Hume would reject the devotional's general methodology, its claims about the foundation of morality, and its list of duties. However, a careful reading of The Whole Duty of Man reveals (...)
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    Reasons for providing assisted suicide and the expressivist objection: a response to Donaldson.Esther Braun - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (10):721-722.
    According to the expressivist objection, laws that only allow assisted dying for those suffering from certain medical conditions express the judgement that their lives are not worth living. I have recently argued that an autonomy-based approach that legally allows assisted suicide for all who make an autonomous request is a way to avoid the expressivist objection. In response to this, Thomas Donaldson has argued that rather than avoiding the expressivist objection, an autonomy-based approach extends this objection. According to Donaldson, this (...)
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  20.  28
    Reid's Non-Humean Theory of Moral Motives.Esther Engels Kroeker - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (S1):205-224.
    Contrary to the widespread view that Reid and Hume agree that reason, alone, is inert, I argue that they disagree on this point. Both accept that reason plays a role in forming moral sentiments, and that affections are components of moral evaluations. However, I show that for Reid moral evaluations (comprised of moral judgments and moral affections) are different from moral motives (which are not comprised of affections). Moral motives for Reid are mind‐independent states of affairs that are grasped by (...)
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  21.  14
    A Threat to Selfhood: Moral Distress and the Psychiatric Training Culture.Esther Nathanson - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (2):115-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Threat to Selfhood: Moral Distress and the Psychiatric Training CultureEsther NathansonWhile many medical specialties offer to heal, or even cure, psychiatry—uniquely—places the doctor–patient relationship at the center of the therapeutic effort. Psychiatrists must possess a complex and challenging combination of broad medical knowledge, finely honed interpersonal and analytic skills and confidence in their abilities, despite limited understanding of the workings of the brain. Inpatient psychiatry in particular demands (...)
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  22.  36
    Erich Unger's "The Natural Order of Miracles": I. The Pentateuch and the Vitalistic Myth.Esther Ehrman - 2002 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 11 (2):135-152.
  23.  20
    Mitochondrial replacement techniques for treating infertility.Esther Braun - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Mitochondrial replacement techniques (MRTs) usually aim to prevent the genetic transmission of maternally inherited mitochondrial diseases. Until now, only the UK and Australia have implemented specific legal regulations of MRTs. In both countries, clinical trials on these techniques are only permissible for cases with a high risk of severe mitochondrial disease in the offspring. However, these techniques can also be applied to treat infertility, especially for older women with impaired oocyte quality. In some countries without legal regulation of these techniques, (...)
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    A Note on ki-ma LI-i-im (Gilgamesh P 218, 224).Esther J. Hamori - 2007 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 127 (1):67-71.
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    Cognitive Diversity or Cognitive Polarization? On Epistemic Democracy in a Post-Truth World.Esther K. H. Ng - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (6):766-778.
    Pessimism over a democracy’s ability to produce good outcomes is as longstanding as democracy itself. On one hand, democratic theorists consider democracy to be the only legitimate form of government on the basis that it alone promotes or safeguards intrinsic values like freedom, equality, and justice. On the other, skepticism toward the ordinary citizen’s cognitive capacities remains a perennial concern. Qualms about the epistemic value of democracy have only been made more pertinent by a fundamental problem of deep epistemic disagreement (...)
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  26.  11
    The "I" and the "Not-I": A Study in the Development of Consciousness.M. Esther Harding - 1966 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26 (3):458-459.
  27.  58
    Intuitive practical wisdom in organizational life.Esther Roca - 2007 - Social Epistemology 21 (2):195 – 207.
    This article investigates whether Aristotelian practical wisdom could be considered as an advantageous "sense" in management practice and as an alternative rationality to that defended by modern tradition. Aristotelian practical wisdom is re-conceptualised in order to emphasise the intuitive component of practical wisdom, an aspect often sidelined by business ethicists. Levinas' insights are applied to Aristotelian practical wisdom in such a way that the role of emotion in moral action would be reinforced. It is argued that the role of emotion (...)
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  28.  23
    A Two-Level Theory of Trust.Esther Oluffa Pedersen - 2010 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):47-56.
    The chief aim of the paper is to argue for a two-level theory of trust consisting of basic and intentional trust. The paper sets out by comparing the concepts of trust and justice to highlight the double meaning of trust as a descriptive social phenomenon and an evaluative normative term. It is subsequently argued that the conceptions of trust known from political science and recent philosophical debates of trust do not capture this double meaning of trust as the former focuses (...)
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    Response to Keith Lehrer: Thomas Reid on Common Sense and Morals.Esther Kroeker - 2013 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 11 (2):131-143.
    This paper is a response to Keith Lehrer's ‘Reid on Common Sense and Morals.’ I start by defending the general claim that it is appropriate to call Reid a moral realist. I continue by discussing three aspects of Reid's account of moral ideas. First, our first moral conceptions are non-propositional mental states that are essential ingredients of moral perception. Our first moral conceptions are not gross, indistinct and egocentric but are uninformed mental states that might be about others. Second, moral (...)
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    “Pure Means” and the Possibilities of the Past.Esther Isaac - 2020 - Radical Philosophy Review 23 (1):5-33.
    In his essay “Critique of Violence,” Walter Benjamin argued that only certain types of strikes can be considered revolutionary, while others—i.e., most bread and butter, or “political” strikes—tacitly rely on the violent logics of the state. This paper suggests, however, that by reading Benjamin against himself and applying his discussion of “pure means” to those “political” strikes, the extent to which even these basic collective actions represent effective “strategies of resistance” becomes evident. This framework requires an interdisciplinary approach to radical (...)
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    Kill her, kill her! Oh God, I'm sorry!Esther MacCallum-Stewart - 2014 - In William Irwin & Christopher Robichaud (eds.), Dungeons & Dragons and Philosophy. Malden: Wiley. pp. 173–188.
    This chapter begins with narration of episode 31 of Dungeons Dragons Part 2, where the player Chris Lovasz, or Sips, decides he is going to passive‐aggressively grief the rest of his party. In frustration, they methodically kill, threaten, and chase away any quest‐givers that approach them. The chapter looks at early adventure games based on DD, asking why they avoid many aspects of the game, especially those that involve role‐playing and moral decisions by players. It then discusses how gamers now (...)
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  32. The Argument from Variation Against Using One’s Own Intuitions As Evidence.Esther Goh - 2019 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 56 (2):95-110.
    In philosophical methodology, intuitions are used as evidence to support philosophical theories. In this paper, I evaluate the skeptical argument that variation in intuitions is good evidence that our intuitions are unreliable, and so we should be skeptical about our theories. I argue that the skeptical argument is false. First, variation only shows that at least one disputant is wrong in the dispute, but each disputant lacks reason to determine who is wrong. Second, even though variation in intuitions shows that (...)
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  33.  11
    Against Lepore and Stone’s Sceptic Account of Metaphorical Meaning.Esther Romero & Belén Soria - 2016 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16 (2):145-172.
    In this paper, we discuss Lepore and Stone’s account of metaphor which is based on three of Davidson’s proposals: (i) the rejection of metaphorical meanings; (ii) the rejection of metaphors as conveying metaphorical propositional contents; and (iii) the defence of analogy as the key mechanism for understanding metaphors. Lepore and Stone defend these proposals because the non-sceptic strategy on metaphorical meanings, characterized in general by the negation of (i) and (ii), fails to come to grips with neither the power of (...)
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    Explaining our Choices: Reid on Motives, Character and Effort.Esther Kroeker - 2007 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 5 (2):187-212.
    Libertarians, like Thomas Reid, hold that motives do not causally necessitate our choices. The problem that arises is to explain how the agent decides to act according to one motive and not the other. In light of some objections brought up by Leibniz and Edwards but also by contemporary compatibilists such as Haji and Goetz, I examine Thomas Reid's possible answer to this problem. I argue that to explain our choices Reid would appeal not only to motives and character traits (...)
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  35. Longing to Know and the Complexities of Knowing God.Esther L. Meek - 2004 - Tradition and Discovery 31 (3):29-43.
    This response to papers on my 2003 book, Longing to Know, presented at the Polanyi Society’s November 2004 meetings, addresses two primary concerns about the book’s argument: first, that the book’s argument depends on an inappropriately unquestioned commitment to the authority of Scripture that falls short of the adjustment required by modern higher critical biblical scholarship; and second, that the book’s argument implies a religious exclusivism that overlooks the fact that the model of knowing it defends suits competing religious positions (...)
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    Collaborative Elementary Civics Curriculum Development to Support Teacher Learning to Enact Culturally Sustaining Practices.Esther A. Enright, William Toledo, Stacy Drum & Sarah Brown - 2022 - Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (1):69-83.
    This article compares case studies to better understand how third grade teachers, serving low-income (including Title I) schools, adapted their instruction in the midst of a global pandemic to better support their students’ learning about locally-relevant civic issues. Civic perspective-taking components were embedded in the unit design with the aim of building deliberative, inclusive classrooms. The team designed lessons drawing from theories of culturally sustaining pedagogy. Using semi-structured interview data, we examined teachers’ reported thinking and perceptions about students’ needs and (...)
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  37.  14
    On Limited Force: Prudence Below the Threshold of War.Esther D. Reed - 2024 - Studies in Christian Ethics 37 (3):550-569.
    This article asks how military ethics should respond to adversaries deliberately conducting hostilities below the threshold of war. Three options are considered: a novel, limited force paradigm; an expanded hostilities paradigm, i.e., within the law of armed conflict; and an international law enforcement paradigm derived primarily from human rights law. None is problem-free. Mindful of under-deployed classic just war reasoning arguments for discrimination between vices opposed to peace, this article argues against an expanded hostilities paradigm and shows that the retributive, (...)
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  38.  20
    Die Kunst, das Gekrümmte in das Gerade zu verwandeln.Esther Ramharter - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 62 (2):35-43.
    Nikolaus von Kues veranschaulicht sein metaphysisch-theologisches Prinzip der coincidentia oppositorum anhand geometrischer Konstruktionen. Eine dieser Darstellungen bringt den Beryll ins Spiel. Ich versuche, seine Rolle in Cusanus’ Ausführungen zu klären und Parallelen aufzuzeigen zwischen dem Einsatz dieses Instruments und Strategien der Begriffsbildung in der heutigen Mathematik. Nicolaus of Cusa illustrates his metaphysico-theological principle of ›coincidentia oppositorum‹ by means of geometrical constructions. One of these representations uses a beryl as an auxiliary instrument. In this paper, I attempt to explore the role (...)
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    Skateboarding, Time and Ethics: An Auto Ethnographic Adventure of Motherhood and Risk.Esther Sayers - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (3):306-326.
    As a 52-year-old academic and mother of three, this research explores the ethics of the question ‘do I have time to go skateboarding?’ Using the themes of time, injury, ageing and learning, it explores the question in relation to Simone de Beauvoir’s ethics of ambiguity. The approach employs autoethnographic and sensory methods to document the authors own experience of learning to skateboard in her late forties and uses learning to skateboard as a vehicle from which to consider time and productivity. (...)
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    Peace Ethics in an Age of Risk.Esther D. Reed - 2014 - Studies in Christian Ethics 27 (1):63-78.
    This article inquires into what the gospel of peace might mean for Christian theological engagement with international law and sets a provisional agenda for peace ethics in an age of global risks. Two warnings are sounded with respect to the language of ‘peace ethics’ and ‘the rule of law’. Three priorities are identified: (i) thinking with and about the global poor in ways that do not render ‘the other’ somehow different from myself; (ii) retrieval of the twin ideas of ‘naturalness’ (...)
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  41. “Like Pieces in a Puzzle”: Online Sacred Harp Singing During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Esther M. Morgan-Ellis - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Sacred Harp singers the world over gather weekly to sing out ofThe Sacred Harp, a collection of shape-note songs first published in 1844. Their tradition is highly ritualized, and it plays an important role in the lives of many participants. Following the implementation of lockdown protocols to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, groups of Sacred Harp singers quickly and independently devised a variety of means by which to sing together online using Zoom, Jamulus, and Facebook Live. The rapidity and creativity with (...)
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  42. Learning to Be Human in a Postliberal Era.Esther Mcintosh - 2017 - In Benjamin J. Wood (ed.), Renewing the Self: Contemporary Religious Perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Macmurray’s distinctive portrayal of personhood has much to contribute to more recent accounts of what it means to be human. Michael Fielding, for one, has devoted much of his career to promoting and advocating a Macmurrian-style of schooling both as a critique of and a corrective to the performance-driven form of state education that is prevalent in the UK. Further, while I agree with Fielding and others that Macmurray’s concept of the person is of importance for education, I also hold (...)
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    Public Theology, Populism and Sexism: The Hidden Crisis in Public Theology.Esther Mcintosh - 2019 - In Eva Harasta & Simone Sinn (eds.), Resisting Exclusion: Global Theological Responses to Populism. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
    This chapter argues that gender equality ought to be a primary area of thought and activity for public theology, and, yet, there are very few public theologians engaging with issues of domestic violence, reproductive rights and sexual equality. ‘Public theology’ has been enjoying something of a revival in recent years, with new networks, centres and publications adopting the title; however, there is a substantial imbalance in gender representation amongst them. It seems that public theology still relies upon a notion of (...)
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  44. Cultivating Connected Knowing in the Classroom.Esther L. Meek - 2007 - Tradition and Discovery 34 (1):40-48.
    After briefly summarizing Blythe Clinchy’s account of connected knowing as a knowing procedure distinguishable from separate knowing and subjectivism, I draw comparisons between it and certainfeaturesof Polanyi’s epistemology. Connected knowing and Polanyi’s indwelling have much in common. Polanyian destructive analysis comparesfavorably with separate knowing, and they concur in the detrimental restriction of knowledge to that procedure. Neither indwelling nor connected knowing should be gender-specific, though their de facto gender-specificity may be challenged along with all the other false dichotomies which are (...)
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    Schooling for Refugee Children: A Social Justice Perspective Informed by Children from Syria.Esther Tsz Wing Ng - 2025 - British Journal of Educational Studies 73 (1):155-157.
    I was excited to know what they have to tell us, their pain and their agony, because they never speak of that in the classroom, they never tell us how they feel. They only come to learn … I was rea...
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    (1 other version)The methodological significance of Chimakonam’s Ezumezu logic.Amara Esther Ani - 2019 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 8 (2):85-96.
    In this short piece, I argue that Chimakonam’s Ezumezu logic bears methodological significance for African scholarship as a whole. If method rests on logic, and method accounts for the distinction of one knowledge output from another, then the formulation of a system of logic which can creditably be described as African, even if simply in cultural inspiration, would provide for methodological liberation of African scholarship trapped in western knowledge hegemony since colonial times. First, I discuss in simple terms the theory (...)
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    A Panoramic View of Trust in the Time of Digital Automated Decision Making – Failings of Trust in the Post Office and the Tax Authorities.Esther Oluffa Pedersen - 2024 - SATS 25 (1):29-47.
    The ongoing Post Office scandal in the UK and the 2021 Child Daycare Benefit Scandal in the Netherlands make up exemplary cases of how digital automation has changed and in fact severely harmed trust relations ranging from trust in oneself over trust in social roles, trust in institutions, trust in technology and general trust. By looking closer at how digital automation in these cases generated ruptures in the lives of ordinary citizens and also affected the involved institutions and society at (...)
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    Fichte's global material constitution.Esther Neuhann - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    The article shows that Fichte's conception of human rights implies concrete guidelines for the economic organization of states and international relations. First, I elucidate Fichte's view on human rights at the domestic level. Fichte's complex theory of human rights consists in a meta-right to live in a state that secures at least two “original rights”: a right to bodily inviolability and a right to sufficient property. I focus on the latter. Due to Fichte's unorthodox view of property rights as rights (...)
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  49.  6
    Über das Verhältnis von Epagoge, Paradeigma und Galle bei Aristoteles.Esther Ramharter - 2008 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 50:29-40.
    This paper pursues two objects which are partially interfering: to study the relation between the different definitions of both παϱάδειγμα and ἐπαγωγή given by Aristotle in Topics, Rhetorics, and Analytica Priora, to clarify the relation between the definition of ἐπαγωγή and the example Aristotle offers in Analytica Priora. Both the corresponding definitions in relation to each other and the definition in relation to the example show some incompatibilities. The problems concerning the definitions may be solved by understanding them as adapted (...)
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    (1 other version)Why the Problem of Evil Might not be a Problem after all in African Philosophy of Religion.Amara Esther Chimakonam - 2022 - Filosofia Theoretica 11 (1):27-39.
    For decades, the problem of evil has occupied a centre stage in the Western philosophical discourse of the existence of God. The problem centres on the unlikelihood to reconcile the existence of an absolute and morally perfect God with the evidence of evil in the universe. This is the evidential problem of evil that has been a source of dispute among theists, atheists, agnostics, and sceptics. There seems to be no end to this dispute, making the problem of evil a (...)
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